Miles and Number of Days
5th St. John Pond: | l20 Miles, 7 Days |
Baker Lake: | l00 Miles, 6 Days |
Moody Bridge: | 90 Miles, 6 Days |
We are not responsible for water levels in the river. Mother nature takes care of this and is therefore out of our control.
In an effort to make your Saint John River vacation a unique, custom, and memorable experience, we have many trip options available.
Please take time to be as accurate as possible. Basically, what we need to know is how many people in your party, the number of canoes you will need, and whether you will be using a Katahdin Outfitters vehicle for your transportation or will we be shuttling your personal vehicle.
We will also need to know the date and exact time that you will be arriving at the Katahdin Outfitters base: again, try to be as accurate as possible.
If you are not sure or have questions, let us know what your interests are and how much time you have, and I am sure we will be able to tailor a unique and pleasurable trip for you.
St. John camping fees are charged as North Maine Woods fees, not Waterway fees. Camping is $6.00 per person per night and road use fees are $8.00 per person.
Check here to view up to date water levels and flows on the Allagash Waterway.